
Inspection and Testing Information Management: 400-686-4199 Data Asset Management: 400-643-4668 Supply Chain Management: 400-629-4066
Product background

The key to achieving effective data utilization lies in how to transform the large amount of testing information into knowledge and behavior in a smart manner. The advanced big data analysis platform provides a professional data analysis means to visualize experimental process data so as to help customers to improve work efficiency. Data workflow and relation can be explicitly presented through the data analysis and mining tool, thus providing powerful support for achieving accurate business decision making. 

Product description

Predictive analysis on key business activities can be completed in a more rapid and accurate manner through the powerful visualized presentation function, thus helping customers forecast important events and accurately observe the influence of data change. The creative charts and graphics make it realizable to find potential bottleneck problems, guard against risks and improve the overall efficiency finally. Through prediction and analysis, data can be deeply mined to determine the changing trend and mode of the data and assist business decisions. The powerful dashboard function can reflect the conditions in the inspection and testing process, and through the dashboard business workflow can be mapped and business bottleneck nodes displayed and defined. 
Through this platform, users could apply advanced analysis tool to analyze laboratory data and get deeper understanding. When problems in some certain areas are found, the root problems can also be discovered by deep undermining about the lab, thus out-of-the-box solutions are available. In addition, users could easily create their own big data analysis logics. This platform is designed with powerful data-presenting abilities and efficient trend analysis.

五原县| 繁昌县| 安新县| 米泉市| 和林格尔县| 德钦县| 三台县| 抚州市| 六枝特区| 喀喇沁旗| 理塘县| 长宁区|